Crockett: “I understand that we want everything to be perfect, and if we could get all ways, fraud, and abuse out, that would be fantastic. But let me talk about the big numbers. The big numbers are on that side. When we look at, say, our entire workforce, our federal workforce, as we’re trying to somehow fire all of them, they don’t even make up a total of 5 percent. It’s even less than that when we look at our budget.
But let’s talk about defense. That just happens to be the same side of the ledger that Mr. Musk gets the vast majority of his money from. In fact, at the same time that they were unlawfully — and we will stay in court, because on this side, we believe in law and order, we believe in, I mean, a number of us are actually lawyers, but nevertheless, we understand the Constitution, we believe in that as well. And so there’s things such as, you know, impoundment, right?
Because as Mr. Whitson said, we need to return the power of the purse to Congress. It never left. According to the Constitution, that’s where it’s at. Now, I know that people are confused right now, because for whatever reason, we had a guy that went in — and you talk about people invading our data, listen, people said that they were upset about TikTok, but I’m upset about the guy that runs Twitter, who for sure is doing nefarious things, because I don’t understand, if you are trying to conduct audits and figure out where the waste, fraud, and abuse is, I don’t know why you go to some tech guy. In fact, it was only techies that were sitting there at inauguration. We didn’t have auditors. I would welcome auditors to come in and do forensic audits.
In fact, he sat there in the Oval Office yesterday, and he admitted that he was lying, and he was using his propaganda machine to do it, when he said that we sent millions of dollars to Gaza for condoms. That was a lie. So let me tell you something: We were going to be elected, and it’s time for us to do our jobs and rein in this rogue actor known as Elon Musk.”
CHAIR: “The gentlelady’s time has expired.”