Tik Toker CelestialDaBestie: “Hey, everyone. So, this is going to be a quick tutorial on how to use the ICE tip line that we have created, and that is linked in my bio on the Link tree. This is going to be on my laptop, so it might look a little different for you if you’re on your cell phone, but it should function in a very similar way. So, what’s really cool is that this is an interactive map. So let’s say that I am in the Los Angeles area and I want to see what the latest news is about ICE sightings. I can zoom in into Los Angeles. I can pick — let’s say I’m over here by Riverside. Look and then click on the pin that was reported, and it looks like — as you can see, a couple things, Sneaky Shark, it’s an anonymous username, you don’t have the log in order to use his platform, this is posted nine minutes ago in Riverside, California. Looks like ICE was drinking coffee at Starbucks. They were in in a van on Burn Boulevard and Arlington. You can leave a comment. So, if somebody else was there and you verify it, you can leave a comment and add more specifics or confirm that you also saw them in that — in that location. So, again, super cool that it’s interactive, so you can move around and see where there have been ICE sightings across the country. I posted a video earlier saying that this data is only from today, so this is all from Thursday, January 23rd.
I have moved all the data from yesterday that you all submitted into a different map. I’m going to hopefully try to provide a tutorial and a Link to that later today. But the way that this works is, you’re going to hit the plus or the edit button down here you can type in an address. I will do 1 Infinite Loop, because I know that’s Apple headquarters. And then what’s really cool, I think, if you’re on mobile, this is gonna show up at the very bottom of this window for you, but you can upload a picture from your phone, you can add a Link if, let’s say, you have a Link of a picture in Google drive, you can do it that way. You can actually open your camera, take a picture, a live or recorded video, and then you can add a .gif or, like, find pictures from the internet that you want to add. Couple of things I want you to remember to include: how many, right, were they ina vehicle, were they on foot, were they armed, were they not armed, what were they doing, entering the building? You can add the business. This is gonna be Apple HQ because this is Apple headquarters, and then you can add more details there. People have been asking me what the different colors mean. Nothing right now .
You can customize the pin to be whatever color you want it to be, but for now they din’t have any meaning. Maybe, as we continue to improve this, there might be a change to that. You hit ‘submit.’ Yep, I wanna, be Agile Tiger, that’s an anonymous username, and then there it is. I will go ahead and delete this, because I don’t want false information on this. So, that’s it! That’s how you use it. Make sure that you spread the word, share it with your family, share it with your loved ones. It’s very important that we keep each other safe. I am — I’m getting a lot of feedback on how to make this better, and I am writing that down, I’m taking all of that in. I am going to do my best to make some changes in order to make this better. I am assembling a team, a group of people that wants to help with this, so if you’re interested in volunteering, let me know. It’s going to be data stuff. It’s going to be maintaining the data, you know, migrating data over to an archive map, stuff like that. But as time goes on, I hopefully hope to improve this in order to continue to make it better to keep our community safe. Thank you all so much for all the love, for sharing. It’s true — I can’t put into words how grateful I am and how proud I am to be a part of a community that looks out for each other like this. Stay safe, everyone, and chinga la migra.”