Cornel West: ‘There Is a War Going on … a War Against Working People, Against Poor People, Against Black People – In the Wake Tv


At the White House today, President Trump hosted a Black History Month reception. Among those attending professional golfer Tiger Woods. This, as the Trump Administration continues its crackdown on diversity, equity and inclusion, or DEI programs across the federal government. Let‘s bring in former presidential candidate, doctor Cornel West. Doctor west, um, do you see a do you see it as discordant that President Trump is celebrating Black History Month, even as his department and he himself focus on banning DEI programs and departments across the government? The Trump Administration are banning similar events rooted in black history.

Well, my dear brother, the best of black history sets the standard for the Trump Administration in terms of the standard of judgment. He was inaugurated on Martin Luther King jr.. s anniversary holiday. Tomorrow is the assassination of Malcolm X, the 60th anniversary of that? And what kind of standard do they set? Truth. Justice? Treating people decently and with dignity. And so that he stands on the judgment of Martin and Malcolm and fannie lou hamer and others. So when I hear him say the 1619 zeroed in on one particular year.

Yes, that‘s the beginning of a crime against humanity. 1776. Yes, that‘s the American revolution. But that crime against humanity, of barbaric slavery, enslavement of black people went on until 1865. Then another 100 years of neo slavery and lynching every two and a half days for 50 years. So I would just say to brother Trump, I know that you‘re a gangster. Gangsters don‘t want to be concerned about truth and justice. They are obsessed with the 11th commandment. Thou shalt not get caught. Say what you want with no accountability. Do what you want with no answerability. No responsibility. We are not just in conflict, my dear brother, but there is a war going on, brother Jake. It‘s a war against working people, against poor people. It‘s a war against black people and indigenous people. And we have to preserve the moral and the spiritual center of what we do. Over against the gangster ization of the country.

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